Sunday, October 14, 2012

Why to Seek Within

From the depth of mists,
Enshrouded by light,
Find peace within.
Bring forth succulent morsels,
Enriching your fellows
Bolstering community and self.
Allow your joyful future.
Decide your own fate.
Acquiesce to freedom.
Great job!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Good afternoon.

It's me again.

What wonders one witnesses, by color, shape, or scent.
Enjoy your moments, each and every one.
Blessings of Mabon and of autumn.
Be in the now.
Rhythms of the harvest dance.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Ahem. :)

I challenge everyone to think about their biggest fear.

Then smile and realize that you are merely the observer.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Dream Life

Have you ever considered living your life like a dream where everything you wish for comes true? Pay attention to your words and thoughts, they have the power to create worlds.